Elements of Design
Masters degree, final major project, the creation of exhibition work. 'Elements of Design'. My work throughout the Masters and on this project won the 'Dean's Prize for student Excellence'.
Visual Thesis
This is my final year dissertation, The Partners Vs Pentagram, 'Comparing and contrasting work by 'The Partners' and 'Pentagram' that significantly embrace materiality and print processes in their designs'. To truly express what the written work is about, a carefully considered and crafted material output was necessary. For my work on this project, I achieved the 'Cross Prize' for the innovative use of materials in Graphic Design. This Project was also featured in the 2021 UCAS Exhibition and a student feature of the British Art Show 9 in 2022.
LED Vinyl Signs
'Vive Libre' SEAT Event
This was a live brief run by the Creative Agency 'Top Banana'. The project required a logo and Invite design for a Seat event 'Vive Libre', 'Live Free', along with collateral work. This project also had client meetings and a final project pitch. Out of the submissions for this project, my response was the top choice, it achieved a portfolio review and short placement at the Top Banana Agency (unfortunately this opportunity could not go ahead as it was disrupted due to covid).
Starpack Competition
This Starpack Competition was the 'social at Home' brief. To design packaging for a food or beverage of your choice that could enhance a social occasion. I chose to package shots, and incorporate a drinking game, primarily aimed at students, bringing the club experience back into their lives during the pandemic. Out of the hundreds of submissions for this competition, I earnt a Bronze Starpack award for my response.
100 Years of Winnie the Pooh
This project was a live brief with creative agency DRPG, campaign work for '100 Years of Winnie the Pooh' celebration. It consists of a logo design, original book collection re-launch concepts, supporting campaign work, collateral and a hand-rendered typeface. Particular mentions were made for my clever use of iconography in the '100 years' logo and 'google celebration' artwork logo.
Wolverhampton Branding
A city identity, re-branding Wolverhampton, to encourage people to explore the city and engage with what it has to offer. Consists of logo design, iconography, motion graphics/video, advertising and collateral.
This is an older project of mine from my first-year undergraduate degree. An Infographic on the time I spent on each element of the design process for each project. This project uses physical forms and materials to transform what would normally be a rather boring subject into a visually intriguing and engaging infographic.
Editorial design on 'The greatest impact on Graphic Design since the 1980s'. Focusing on Technology and Influential women in Design.
Bookbinding Workshop